In Cairo, Georgia in 1919, little Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born to a family of sharecroppers. Jackie’s mother, Mallie Robinson, was a single parent who raised the entire family by herself. They were the only black family on their block, and the racism they experienced only drew them closer together. From this modest beginning, Jackie Robinson would go on to become the first baseball player to break Major League Baseball’s colour barrier, which had kept the game divided for more than 50 years.
Jackie Robinson was an all-around athlete in college and later the Brooklyn Dodgers’ star infielder, making him the first black professional athlete after World War II.
Mr. Robinson, who was recognized in Cincinnati at the World Series a week ago Sunday, had been dealing with failing health for several years. He overcame a heart attack in 1968, but diabetes caused him to lose vision in one eye and part of the sight in the other.
In addition, he continued to be active in national efforts against drug addiction, from which his son, Jackie Jr., had been recovering before he was killed in 1971 in a vehicle accident.
When he became ill at home, his wife, Rachel, a psychiatric nurse at the Yale School of Medicine, made an emergency call to the Stamford Police Department. He was treated with external massage and oxygen before being taken to the hospital by an ambulance from the Fire Department.
Jack Roosevelt Robinson was perhaps the most significant sportsman in American history, with a sociological impact second to none.
He was a pioneer, as baseball’s first black player. His success and achievements paved the way for other prominent professional sports to accept African Americans, notably as players in pro football and basketball. He subsequently established himself as an important figure in the Republican party after becoming a wealthy New York entrepreneur.
As an athlete, and as a black man, he had a competitive flame burning within him. He earned adversaries and supporters alike by being outspoken, strident, combative, and even belligerent.
How Did Jackie Robinson Die?

Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947, suffered a heart attack at home in Stamford, Connecticut.
Tens of thousands of people lined the road to pay their respects to Joe DiMaggio on the day of his burial.
After his death in 1972, Robinson was posthumously given the Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom for his achievements both on and off the field.
The tragic fate of Jackie Robinson Jr.

Robinson, Jr.’s birthday is November 9, 1946. He was just over five months old when Jackie Robinson made his big-league debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers in April 1947. As a youngster, Robinson Junior suffered from numerous emotional difficulties, and he was placed in special education at an early age. He left high school during his senior year to enlist in the Army in search of a disciplined setting.
According to the Seattle Times Robinson Jr. served three years in the military and spent part of it in Vietnam. On November 19, 1965, while attempting to save a fellow soldier who subsequently perished, he was wounded in action and suffered shrapnel wounds. He was discharged after developing a drug addiction while deployed in Vietnam. It began, according to his parents, when he was serving in Vietnam.
However, like his father, he overcame difficulty. After a two-year battle with heroin, he finished treatment at the Daytop Village addiction center in Connecticut, where he went on to serve as the assistant regional director. He has also worked with numerous groups of young people in this job, frequently talking to them about the risks of drug abuse. Robinson Sr. had done the same thing.
On June 17, 1971, Robinson II was killed in a vehicle accident in Norwalk, Connecticut. According to the New York Times, he sped toward his family’s house in Stamford at a high rate of speed when he slammed through a fence and into an abutment on the Merritt Parkway near Route 123.
The body of Robinson Jr. was discovered at the scene, and he was pronounced dead. David, the younger brother, identified his corpse at a nearby hospital soon after. Robinson Sr. left his residence to go fetch his wife, who was attending a meeting in Massachusetts. Rachel was an assistant professor of psychology at Yale at the time.
At the age of 24, Jackie Robinson Jr. perished.